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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne Hallam

Give Your Space a Good Spring Clean: A Guide to Refreshing Your Home

You might have heard the saying “A tidy home reflects a tidy mind.”

It emphasizes the relationship between our space and our mental well-being. The strong link between the two is the reason why cleaning your surroundings can make you feel better. Refreshed, even. 

Looking to rejuvenate your spirit and bring fresh energy to your home? This comprehensive guide combines practical cleaning tips with design strategies for seniors who want to create a clean and safe home environment worthy of aging-in-place. 

Risk-Free and Accessible Cleaning Methods

Choose user-friendly cleaning tools and techniques to make cleaning a sustainable and comfortable practice.

Spring Clean

A few practical options are: 

  • Extendable dusters to minimize bending 

  • Cordless vacuums should be more lightweight and cordless to remove tripping hazards

  • Lightweight storage tray for cleaners with a handle that is easy to lift

Tools aside, when you’re selecting your cleaning fluids, prioritize non-toxic products. Eco-friendly and chemical-free alternatives that can reduce exposure to harmful substances and improve air quality. Look for products with natural ingredients, or consider making your cleaning solutions using household items like vinegar, baking soda, or lemon. 

Once you’re ready to start cleaning, remember to take breaks and maintain a sustainable pace. A great suggestion is to pick one room to clean per day of the week. You can conserve energy and avoid feeling burnt out or overwhelmed. This way you break down your tasks into smaller, achievable goals and spread them over a realistic timeline. Everything doesn’t have to be completed in a day!

Improving Indoor Air Quality

When we think about spring cleaning, our minds automatically think about the physical objects in our home that need to be tended to. What about the air we breathe? If neglected, we can’t consider our home truly clean. 

How to maintain good air quality: 

  • Replace air filters on your furnace/air conditioner regularly. Air filters play an important role in capturing dust, allergens, and other particles you don’t want to breathe in. Replace your filter every 90 days or so. 

  • Use extendable tools such as microfiber dusters or vacuum attachments to eliminate dust and debris from areas that are hard to reach. For example the exhaust fan in your bathroom. If it isn’t drawing moist air out of the room because it is clogged with dust, you will encounter other issues like mould forming in your tub/shower.

  • Clean fabric-based items like upholstery with the proper vacuum attachments, as these collect allergens and dust over time. (Don’t forget to remove the cushions and do the frame of a sofa or chair) Curtains or area rugs should be sent out for proper cleaning every so often by a professional.

  • Routinely open windows and use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to remove excess moisture and pollutants. If you have a gas stove make sure to run the exhaust fan each time you cook. Don’t forget to remove and soak your filters from the stove vent fan to remove grease buildup from cooking.

  • Regularly checking smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and CO2 detectors not only ensures preparedness in case of emergencies, but also contributes to overall air quality by preventing harmful smoke, fumes, and gases from impacting indoor air quality.

Essential Home Safety

Proper medication management, decluttering, and removing expired food items are often overlooked aspects of spring cleaning. However, these steps are vital for creating a safe and accessible home environment. These aspects of spring cleaning are essential for seniors who wish to age in place comfortably and safely.

Spring Clean Hallway
  • Organize the area you’ve designated for medications with pill organizers to make it easy to access and keep track of expiration dates. 

  • Clear pathways in your home by removing unnecessary items that are tripping hazards. You can maintain a clutter-free space by using closed storage solutions with labels like baskets, decorative boxes or plastic bins. Assigning different areas for everyday items will keep your space tidy and safe; it helps keep walking pathways clear, reducing the risk of falling. 

  • Every few months pull all the items out of your fridge and clean the interior of the fridge to remove any smells from spills or particles that may get caught and cause a repair issue. Discard fridge and pantry items that might have expired and replace them as necessary. 

Putting Style in Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn’t just about giving your space a good declutter and scrub. It’s also about adding freshness by redecorating. Giving your eyes something new to look at, even by moving your furniture around, can create a more enjoyable and fulfilling environment. It’s all about getting rid of stagnancy.

  • Strategically placing mirrors in your home amplifies natural light, creating an illusion of more open and brighter surroundings. 

  • Investing in multipurpose furniture not only optimizes functionality but also declutters your space, making it more organized and visually appealing.

  • To freshen up your home's look without significant renovation, consider repositioning existing artwork, rearranging furniture or adding a few new accessories to create an interesting change and visual flow. 

  • A fresh coat of paint can instantly revitalize your living environment, adding a touch of vibrancy and modernity to your space. 

Spring cleaning goes beyond basic tidying; it's about cultivating a safe, comfortable and visually appealing environment that supports a better state of mind. By integrating these tips into your routine, you can transform your home into a place that nourishes you for the new season and the future. 

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